OneGlobe Consolidators Pte. Ltd. Official 2023. All right reserved.
Design and Developed by SNMR Group

Privacy & Policy

Collection of Personal Information:

  • Device Information: Automatically gathered data pertaining to the user's device, including web browser specifications, IP address, time zone, and cookies.
  • Order Information: Details voluntarily provided by users during transactions, such as name, billing and shipping addresses, payment information, email address, and phone number.

Utilization of Personal Information:

  • Order Information: Primarily employed for order processing, payment facilitation, shipping logistics, invoice generation, and customer correspondence.
  • Device Information: Utilized to mitigate fraud risks, enhance website functionality, and generate analytics to optimize marketing endeavors.

Sharing of Personal Information:

Third-party services like Shopify and Google Analytics are leveraged for data management and analysis. Personal Information may also be shared to comply with legal mandates or safeguard the interests of the business.

Behavioral Advertising:

Personal Information may be utilized to deliver targeted advertisements or marketing communications. Opt-out provisions for targeted advertising are available on platforms like Facebook, Google, and Bing.

Do Not Track:

The Site maintains its data collection practices irrespective of Do Not Track signals from browsers.

User Rights:

European residents retain the right to access, rectify, update, or delete their personal information. Information processing may occur to fulfill contractual obligations or legitimate business interests.

Data Retention:

Order Information is retained unless users request its deletion.

Policy Amendments:

The privacy policy may be periodically updated to reflect changes in practices or legal requirements.

Contact Information:

Users can communicate with One Globe Consolidators via email or mail to address inquiries or complaints regarding privacy practices.

Address: P.O. Box:9,Airline Road #02-24 Changi Cargo Agent Building 'D' Singapore-819827